High. High. Higher.

Hey you sexy stud you!!!

I have really been enjoying making all these posts. Especially, finally, getting to consistently posting every single week!!! Also, watching my following grow has been pretty cool, too. Thank you so much to everyone who followed me and has been liking my posts!! Hopefully, I continue to make good content, and you guys come with me on this journey.

Now let’s get into it!!!

Literally yesterday, I discovered I had a video of this, lol

So something on my list was to go to Waffle House High.

I think I came up with the idea because it is such a funny tradition!!! It probably became a thing because the waffle house stays open 24/7. However, I have a legend that I made it up for this tradition.

Long ago in the 1970s, weed was becoming a booming industry. But the police, well known for always hating on fun stuff, were cracking down on the cool cats who just wanted to blaze. So, a warrior named Passion Waffle House began secretly opening the restaurants locked doors, after hours, to sneak the pot heads in. Together, they would smoke and eat all night long. Her message spread across the country, and soon, Waffle Houses all over the world were partaking in the tradition. And even though weed isn’t as demonized, we still flock to Waffle House knowing Passion’s spirit still welcomes us in.

Me trying to look normal and Tito telling me about boogers..I’m not even joking lol

If you think the original story was better than the second one… youeither too high or not high enough.

Struggling with the camera.

Anyway, I’ve always had a weird relationship with weed. I personally think that it lasts way too long. After about an hour, I am beyond ready to start coming back off that hill. I truly don’t understand the people out there who can be high 24/7. It is truly impressive but, definitely not my thing, to say the least. (Now I also feel that way about alcohol but, I think it’s more fun to be buzzed).

Also, the taste if weed just hangs out with you!! I truly can not stand that. Every time you burp, eat, swallow, or take a sip of water, there is the taste of weed. I know people who love that taste, but I’m not one of them. I want to taste anything else but that. However, there really is no way to make it go away. Plus, I STRUGGLE to open my eyes all the way. I suppose someone can tell me why the eyes hang low the way they do. But I don’t love it. It always feels like I’m only half paying attention to everything I see and even less of what I hear because all I can think about is why my eyes won’t open!!!

Clearly having a good time

Lastly, in the past, I would generally sit, by myself, and laugh at things in my head. I never felt more weird than when that would happen. I could barely engage with other people because I couldn’t pay attention to them outside of the random voices in my head. I also rarely remember what would happen when I was high. It was like being black out drunk without all the bad things that happened to get to that point.

All of that to say…I have written down a lot more things that involve weed than I thought I did. (Damn you, social media influencers, and make things look fun.) And I will add that this particular time it was a lot more fun!!!

At the waffle house struggling lol

My papi made me laugh so much. He has a way of getting me to talk when I would normally sit in my head. I think it’s because I know I can tell him anything. Either way, he is only 1 of 2 people who has actually gotten me to speak when I was high. I remember laughing so hard because he almost hit someone while we were driving. In real life, I probably wouldn’t have thought that was so funny. But, when I tell you I was crying!!! I laughed for like 5 minutes straight. Something about his reaction I just couldn’t get over!!!

Trying my very best lol

Unfortunately, Waffle House only allows people to get to go orders after a certain time period. (I know kind of lame. The only reason we went so late is because you get the real Waffle House experience after midnight!! That’s when all the crack heads come out!!!) But, we made it work since they didn’t make us wait in the car. We just stood at the counter and watched them make everything.

I am a huge fan of watching people cook. It’s always been so fascinating to me. But, in this state, I think I mostly stared at the counter. I kind of looked to my papi to guide me. Since there were other people inside, I was a little more nervous to speak out. I’m sure I looked high regardless, but I thought I was playing it off!! For the first time ever, I actually laughed at the fact I couldn’t open my eyes. You can literally see me looking into the camera, attempting to do it, which completely distracted me from talking.

Zoning out

Food does taste better when you’re high, too. I truly have no idea why that is. I also tend to eat more than I normally would because I have a bottomless pit in my stomach now. As someone who is trying to gain weight, I have thought about being high more often just to eat more… but it seems like a bad idea to create a slightly unhealthy habit to establish a necessary one. Know what I mean?

I look so weird lol

I still think it lasted too long, and it was so difficult to wake up the next morning, but all in all, it was fun.

My papi and i took a while trying to figure out exactly how many gummies I needed to take. Us trying to find a Waffle House before having to settle. Sitting in his dorm room, doing my happy dance the second I got my hands on the food. Laughing at literally everything. We probably had high sex which was also on my list, so 2 birds, right? Random conversations about the universe because we have to be a little cliché…It all made it worth it.

He made fun of me for struggling to open my eyes lol

I do want you guys to know that Papi was sober the entire time, lol. We were safe all the way through. I think it would’ve been more fun if he had been on the journey with me, but we have so many other chances in the future. Although we both have personal issues with being high.

So the next time you get high. Think of me and go to Waffle House. Also, if you could help me make them believe, I started this trend, so they sponsored me or something that would make me so happy!!

Now, on the path of getting higher, we went on an adventure the next day for me to climb a tree!!! (Get what I did with the title now?!)

Oddly enough, the hardest part of this trip was finding a gawd damn tree. Either they were tall but had no branches. A short person like me could reach, or they did have branches I could reach but were tiny and wimpy.

Me in da tree. I can’t find my other pictures lol sorry!!!!+

Also, it was hard for me to get motivated for this one. I think being high the day before really took a toll on me. I haven’t had any weed in so long!!! (It really isn’t my thing) So I was not used to it at all. I felt soooooo lazy, you guys. I barely wanted to move to begin with. I was also kind of tired. It felt like I hadn’t really slept. So the “get up and go” attitude my boyfriend had I simply tried my best to go along with.

Then it was cold. I absolutely hate doing things in the cold. I try and convince myself that I need to sacrifice some of my comfort in order to get things done. Yet, I am still very bad at justifying that in my mind. I want to be comfortable first and do the work afterward. Does that work well in the film industry, which I completely want to be a part of? Not really. So, thank gawd for my papi, who would not let us go home until we were successful. (Side note I am working on getting out of my comfort with filming just to be prepared, so don’t hound me.)

I was actually kind of scared, too. I’m not afraid of heights, but I am afraid of hurting myself. This includes doing anything I could hurt myself doing. For example, there was a chance I could’ve climbed one tree if I simply stood up on Papi’s shoulders and hoisted myself onto the branch… That did not happen. All I could think of was how badly I could break so many things if I did that. I didn’t expect to be so scared, but I was. I don’t think I told my papi this either, I just played it off.

But, I couldn’t hold out forever, and we eventually found a tree that was perfect. After watching me struggle, Papi gave me a boost, and I started climbing. I flashed back to when I was half kid, half monkey. That’s how much I loved climbing things. I would’ve even pushed past all the pain of having sores on my hands because there was nothing more fun than swinging around. I bet that version of me would find adult me pretty pathetic for being so terrified. But she was young and had nothing to lose.

I was tempted to go a little higher, but my hands were sweating profusely, so I did not do that. I climbed onto a branch and just dangled my legs. It was nice. There is something serene about letting go of parts of your body. Parts that rarely get to relax or consistently hold tension. Looking down on my papi was pretty great. As a short person, I enjoy the rare moments I can see everything without being blocked by someone.

In a way, I felt my inner child scream with joy. This was an activity we did every single day. Then I got older and obviously became a little baby, and I stopped doing it. But I remembered the joy I would feel when I did. The sense of accomplishment I got when I moved higher and higher. The freedom I felt looking out onto the world. I would even grab a book and get nice and cozy with a snack and some water. I was obsessed with climbing trees. Like a memory long since past, it all fluttered to my brain as I climbed.

It was beautiful and I wouldn’t change that for the world.

Now, you don’t have to get high in any way you aren’t comfortable with. But, I do want you to go out and start living life like tomorrow won’t come!!! We are told that our happiness is tied to accomplishing some kind of goal. I’ve even done it by focusing souley on completing my list. But, that kind of ruins the moments it creates. We find happiness in valuing every day we get.

Plus, making that tiny child in you happy could brighten you up in a way you never would’ve imagined. Or unlock some secret trauma….hopefully the later, though!!

I love completing my list, and I’m valuing the experiences as they come and go. I might start climbing some more trees today.

In fact, I would love to see all the fun things you guys come up with!! Feel free to comment and share everything you got with me. Also, follow me on all social media. And don’t forget to like this post and follow me for all my content!!!

Thank you guys so much! I love each and every one of you!!!!

3 words for this experience are…

Heights. Silly. Freedom.

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